This is our first blog as a BRAND!!! It is a mix of several positive emotions. But before we begin with all we have to share, the polite thing to do is to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR, and welcome to the year 2023. We the JUMOKE LAGOS family are grateful for 2022 and are super excited about the many exciting offerings of 2023.
Come with us on a journey down memory lane, to what brought about the brand Jumoke Lagos. It all began in the spring of 2016 when the creative director Olajumoke made a decision to relocate from England to Nigeria. Prior to this decision, she had been an avid lover of jewellery. She treated herself to a piece of jewellery on a weekly basis, it was her way of rewarding herself for her hard work during the week.
Her love for jewellery began as a young girl, her daydreams were filled with owning loads of Swarovski and Diamonds. Her constant request to her mum was “Please get me a piece of sterling silver jewellery”. Although her love for fine things was very evident she never thought of creating a brand. The birth of Jumoke Lagos was a clear case of serendipity. A friend suggested she took some things with her to Nigeria for sale just to ensure she had a source of income before she becomes fully settled in Nigeria. The only thing she could think of was Jewellery. She went on to source for unique statement pieces, combing through the streets of Notting Hill and the Pure London exhibition hall. It was a successful hunt. The jewellery was well received by friends and family, and the idea to create a brand was conceived when the repeat orders began to flood in.
In 2019, during a career break, she decided to give it another shot but this time around she expanded her search for jewellery sourcing to different parts of the world. Again, it was received with repeat orders from people within her close circle and outside it. The response was the validation she needed to pursue her dream.
Her vision was clear, to tell a story with fine jewellery. Not just any story but that of LOVE, HOPE, and HUMANITY. The motivation is to remind each wearer of the positivity in their life’s journey. Her love for storytelling with her ability to create beautiful jewellery is at the core of the Brand. Hence the reason she wanted the name of the brand to reflect this. The name Jumoke came from her name Olajumoke. Olajumoke is a name from the Yoruba tribe, a tribe in the southwest of Nigeria, and it means wealth has gathered to take care of her. Lagos is a bustling city in the southwest of Nigeria, the fashion capital of the African continent, where her life story began.
Jumoke Lagos is an African brand with a global vision. Driven by a global vision but determined to always create pieces that are relatable. With each collection comes a story. A story that will be shared with our growing community the #JumokeLagosTribe. We look forward to creating and building with this community.
As of today, we have produced three collections namely: Bow, Love Links, and The Mulberry. These collections were created from the heart. A heart of gratitude, hope, and love. All our pieces are produced with the highest level of craftsmanship with 18-karat gold and precious stones.
The Bow collection is aimed at reminding the wearer of the gift she is to the world.
The Bow Collection
A bow signifies the presence of a gift,
The bow collection serves as a reminder,
Of the gift the wearer is,
Walk tall with your chin up,
Because you are a gift to the world.
The Love Links collection is speaking to love and actions that convey the message of love
Love Links Collection
A bear hug with a gentle pat,
A wide smile with a wink,
Or just being present with no words,
Are actions of love,
Linking us together and making us whole
And our latest Mulberry Collection is a reminder of holding on because just as the mulberry holds on till the end of frost before budding beautifully, the wearer will also bud.
The Mulberry Collection
At the end of IT all,
You will bud with beauty,
Like the MULBERRY tree
That buds suddenly at end of the frost,
When the harshness of the frost is over.
You will bud boldly
Because frost would not be forever.
With these released collections the direction and tone of the brand have been set. We will be creatively building on this foundation, we promise to keep our designs fresh and exciting and hold ourselves to a high standard while at it.
It is a long road ahead, we cannot see what lies ahead. But our gut instinct tells us it is BEAUTIFUL and FULFILLING. We look forward to encountering the perfectly wrapped parcels at every bend and turn that we take. The first of such turns was on December 11th, 2022 when we unveiled our Mulberry Collection. It was our first-ever event as a brand. We in-house called it our coming out. We were nervous but also excited to open ourselves up to the world. The reception was mind-blowing, you can catch up with the event on our stories on IG.
We are committed to creating three collections yearly and building a strong community across the continents. Our offerings promise to be exciting, refreshing, creative, and uplifting. In a world where many things can be energy-draining, we promise to do otherwise with our works and words.
Thank you for reading and supporting Jumoke Lagos. If you are not yet a member of our tribe, please sign up on our website and get 5% off your first Bow and Love Links purchase. Also, follow us on IG @jumokelagos. We will love to engage with you.
From our hearts to yours, we wish you a very fulfilling 2023
With Love and Precious Stones
Jumoke Lagos